Handling Non-Standard URLs in Dispatch

a code adventure

tl;dr: Need to use Dispatch 0.10.1 to access a non-standard URL? Use this custom async-http-client RequestBuilder to set your URL the way you want it.

Let's say that we're using the excellent Dispatch library (this post uses 0.10.1) for our HTTP client to access a web service from SillyCo, and there are no alternatives to SillyCo. And, let's say that documentation for SillyCo's web service specifies a URL that looks something like this:


Notice anything wrong with that URL? If not, you will in a minute.

So, we fire up Dispatch and make our stuff like the docs tell us to:

import dispatch._, Defaults._
val svc = url("http://api.sillyco.com/service?blue&yellow")
val silly = Http(svc OK as.String)

But when we execute the call, we get a response that we would have gotten for http://api.sillyco.com/service, without the query string. It's like we didn't even ask for blue and yellow. What happened?

Let's see:

scala> import dispatch._, Defaults._
import dispatch._
import Defaults._
scala> val svc = url("http://api.sillyco.com/service?blue&yellow")
svc: com.ning.http.client.RequestBuilder = com.ning.http.client.RequestBuilder@62831806
scala> svc.url
res0: String = http://api.sillyco.com/service?blue=&yellow=

Ah hah! Do you see it?

Our original URL query string was ?blue&yellow, which is not a valid parameter string. Dispatch helpfully tries to fix it for us, turning it into ?blue=&yellow=. Unfortunately, SillyCo's API doesn't like this.

So, we call SillyCo and inform them that their API documentation requires a non-standard URL query string. The reply: "Huh. Interesting." We ask if there's a way to access the API using a valid URL. "Um, no." We ask them if they will fix this. "Um, no."

Okay. Surely there's a way that we can fool Dispatch into using the bad URL. Let's try.

scala> def sillyHost = host("api.sillyco.com")
sillyHost: com.ning.http.client.RequestBuilder
scala> def myRequest = sillyHost / "service?blue&yellow"
myRequest: com.ning.http.client.RequestBuilder
scala> myRequest.url
res1: String = http://api.sillyco.com/service%3Fblue&yellow

Bah! It URL-encoded the '?'. Of course, SillyCo's API doesn't like that either. Keep trying...

scala> def myRequestWithParams = myRequest.addQueryParameter("blue").addQueryParameter("yellow")
<console>:15: error: not enough arguments for method addQueryParameter: (x$1: String, x$2: String)com.ning.http.client.RequestBuilder.
Unspecified value parameter x$2.
   def myRequestWithParams = myRequest.addQueryParameter("blue").addQueryParameter("yellow")
scala> def myRequestWithParams = myRequest.addQueryParameter("blue","").addQueryParameter("yellow","")
myRequestWithParams: com.ning.http.client.RequestBuilder

scala> myRequestWithParams.url
res2: String = http://api.sillyco.com/service?blue=&yellow=

scala> def myRequestWithParams = myRequest.addQueryParameter("blue",null).addQueryParameter("yellow",null)
myRequestWithParams: com.ning.http.client.RequestBuilder
scala> myRequestWithParams.url
res3: String = http://api.sillyco.com/service?blue=&yellow=

scala> def myRequestWithParams = myRequest <<? Map("blue" -> null, "yellow" -> null)
myRequestWithParams: com.ning.http.client.RequestBuilder

scala> myRequestWithParams.url
res4: String = http://api.sillyco.com/service?blue=&yellow=

Hmmm... all of those calls return type com.ning.http.client.RequestBuilder. Maybe we can instantiate our own RequestBuilder and set the URL directly, instead of letting Dispatch do it for us, and then it will work.

scala> import com.ning.http.client.RequestBuilder
import com.ning.http.client.RequestBuilder
scala> def requestBuilder = new RequestBuilder()
requestBuilder: com.ning.http.client.RequestBuilder
scala> val myRequest = requestBuilder.setUrl("http://api.sillyco.com/service?blue&yellow")
myRequest: com.ning.http.client.RequestBuilder = com.ning.http.client.RequestBuilder@77c4fb91
scala> myRequest.url
res5: String = http://api.sillyco.com/service?blue=&yellow=

BAAAAAAAH! OK, now at least we know that it isn't @n8han doing this to us. Let's just look at how RequestBuilder sets the URL ... then we'll just override that functionality and set the URLs how we want.

We figure out that our version of Dispatch uses async-http-client version 1.7.11, so the code for that version of RequestBuilder actually relies on RequestBuilderBase, the 1.7.11 code for which is here. We find the setUrl method. It looks like this: (java)

public T setUrl(String url) {
    request.url = buildUrl(url);
    return derived.cast(this);

Ha! A quick look at the code shows that it is the buildUrl method that is doing all of the URL parameter stuff! Let's override it! Here's what we need to override:

private String buildUrl(String url) {

BAAAAAAAAAAAH! Damn private. Okay, we can't override that one, so let's override setURL instead.

scala> val requestBuilder = new RequestBuilder {
     | override def setUrl(url:String) = {
     | 	val toreturn = super.setUrl(url) // get the derived.cast
     | 	request.url = url // skip the buildUrl method
     | 	toreturn // return the derived.cast thing
     | 	}
     | }
<console>:20: error: value url is not a member of com.ning.http.client.RequestBuilderBase.RequestImpl
       request.url = url // skip the buildUrl method

What? Let's look at the implementation of RequestImpl in use here:

private static final class RequestImpl implements Request {
        private String method;
        private String url = null;
        . . .

So, RequestImpl is a private static final class, and request.url is a private instance variable. We are screwed, but we are also bull-headed, and we are not giving up.

Let's just re-implement our own whole damn RequestBuilder object and re-write the setUrl method the way we want to. Moreover, since we don't really want to add a Java compilation step just for this one class, let's port the thing to Scala.

The full code for the class is here. I've re-written the setUrl method like so:

  def setUrl[T](url: String) = {
    myrequest.asInstanceOf[MyRequestImpl].setUrl(url) // just set the URL like we passed it in. Skip buildUrl!

And now:

scala> import at.atsoft.util.MyRequestBuilder
import at.atsoft.util.MyRequestBuilder
scala> val requestBuilder = new MyRequestBuilder
requestBuilder: at.atsoft.util.MyRequestBuilder = at.atsoft.util.MyRequestBuilder@1d5551a8

scala> val myRequest = requestBuilder.setUrl("http://api.sillyco.com/service?blue&yellow")
myRequest: at.atsoft.util.MyRequestBuilder = at.atsoft.util.MyRequestBuilder@1d5551a8
scala> myRequest.url
res0: String = http://api.sillyco.com/service?blue&yellow


And now:

val silly = Http(myRequest.GET OK as.String)


It is time for a scotch.

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